short cWrapOption;
0 for none
1 for rectangular
2 for custom
-2 for multiple options
short cTextFlow;
0 for column break
1 for jump over
2 for all sides
long xLeftSO;
Minimum distance (standoff) between text and left side of graphic in twips
long yTopSO;
Minimum distance (standoff) between text and top of graphic in twips
long xRightSO;
Minimum distance (standoff) between text and right side of graphic in twips
long yBottomSO;
Minimum distance (standoff) between text and bottom of graphic in twips
short cLayerWrap;
0 text wraps around object normally
1 only text on the same layer wraps around the object
-1 text wraps around the object according to the publication default
-2 the text wrap layer option does not change for this object
Multiple wrap attributes. If multiple objects are selected and they have different wrap attributes applied to them, PageMaker returns -2 for cWrapOption. In such cases, the standoff coordinates may not be valid.
Text tool active. If the text tool is active, PageMaker gets the default text-wrap settings.
The PTextWrap and PTextWrapPoly commands
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