
Gets the settings of the text-wrap options applied to the currently selected object.

Query results

short cWrapOption;
0 for none
1 for rectangular
2 for custom
-2 for multiple options
short cTextFlow;
0 for column break
1 for jump over
2 for all sides
long xLeftSO;
Minimum distance (standoff) between text and left side of graphic in twips
long yTopSO;
Minimum distance (standoff) between text and top of graphic in twips
long xRightSO;
Minimum distance (standoff) between text and right side of graphic in twips
long yBottomSO;
Minimum distance (standoff) between text and bottom of graphic in twips
short cLayerWrap;
0 text wraps around object normally
1 only text on the same layer wraps around the object
-1 text wraps around the object according to the publication default
-2 the text wrap layer option does not change for this object

Standoffs. Standoffs are only meaningful when cWrapOption is rectangular.

Multiple wrap attributes. If multiple objects are selected and they have different wrap attributes applied to them, PageMaker returns -2 for cWrapOption. In such cases, the standoff coordinates may not be valid.

Text tool active. If the text tool is active, PageMaker gets the default text-wrap settings.

See also

The PGetTextWrapPoly query

The PTextWrap and PTextWrapPoly commands

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